Lessons - How To Open Your File | Etching | Block Print | Self Portrait
Here are 4 easy interactive lessons from my class.
The first is Digital Etching. It is a .swf file and I created it using InDesign. I have not uploaded Block Print and Self Portrait yet |
NOTE about this DIGITAL ETCHING file: The FIRST page, Intro Page, loads below (to the right) leaving white space over there
< to the left. It's not your computer...it's the file. :-) The entire document is set up as "spreads", which means 2 portrait size pages(8.5"x11") can be seen at one time. Since there are 5 spreads and only 9 pages, the 1st spread has only 1 page on it. ALSO, there is a VIDEO on one page that disappears when you click it. Sorry. :( I am working on fixing that. |