Stop-Motion Animation + Movies
A day at school in science class with the Marie Reed kiddos!!
Adventure's of Stick Man5th Grade student, Carey, created this well planned story. Rock!!
These Marie Reed animators want to save the animals! And they did!
Flight To The Moon3rd grade students, Adam and Ava, from Stoddert, created this story. They used dry erase, paper cut outs and aluminum foil.
Kids, creatures and adventures all over the city!! Fuuun!!
The Adventures of BenJared and Minnie's team had fun creating this adventure using 3D objects ... commonly referred to as toys ... just not in my class.
The Journey of
My Great Great Grand Mother 4th grade student, Grace, from Key, tells the story of her great, great, grand mother smuggling her 3 sons from Poland to Canada.
Journey To America
4th grade student, Brian, from Hyde-Addison, created this stop-motion about the journey of his Great Great Grandmother leaving Poland for America.
Car Race
Summer Arts Campers in my Digital Animation Class created this fun stop-motion car race, using people as cars.